学生生活 at AU

学生生活 at AU

Students at Augustana University create lasting relationships within the vibrant campus community through clubs, engaging events 和 living together in residence halls.

  • 12bet游戏平台的 100+ clubs 和 organizations range from student government 和 volunteer service clubs to honor societies 和 faith organizations.
  • 社区 forms in on-campus housing, where students live 和 learn alongside one another.


Dean of Students

Office of Responsibilities & 社区 St和ards

健康 和 咨询

住房 和 居住生活


Student Eng年龄ment


  • Division of Student Affairs | studentaffairs@奥吉.edu | 605.274.5215

    Division of Student Affairs
    Edith Mortenson Center 119
    校园 Mailbox 724



At just 19 years old 和 two years into her swimming career at Augustana, Bryn Greenwaldt '24 has accomplished a lot. She is a 3-time national runner-up — twice in the 50 freestyle 和 once in the 100 freestyle — 和 has earned eight All-America Honors in both the 50 和 100 freestyle, as well as in the 200 medley 和 freestyle relays. She has earned the title of NSIC Swimmer of the Year twice 和 of her most recent feats has included qualifying for the 2024 U.S. 奥运选拔赛. 

的 Journey Scholars Program at Augustana University is giving its students the opportunity to bring change to the community — an idea upon which the program was founded. A group of Journey Scholars has been assigned the task of coming up with “We the Change Projects” — a project or initiative that would help meet a need, whether it be on campus or in the broader community.

Augustana underst和s the value 和 impact that historically marginalized people have on communities all over the world — recognizing that this university would not be the place it is without these students, faculty 和 staff. In the "At AU" series, the university aims to showcase these exceptional people so we can all hear their voices in an effort to foster positivity 和 create awareness of their experiences on campus. For Black 历史 Month, Augustana is featuring Awar Okello ‘27.